Inspired by all the determined ladies, she built a family brand - the company Dajana Rodriguez. Behind each collection of leather handbags are weeks of designing the perfect design and new types of handbags. Each must be different - unique.
Thanks to honest Slovak production, top quality, and timeless appearance, Dajana's handbags will accompany you for decades. The hand-made handbags as a sign of sustainability come with the most unique pieces that will always attract the attention of the surroundings and wonât get lost even in a flood of constantly changing trends.
Each collection comes with a new idea and every model with a unique (embroidered) motif. Dajana starts designing handbags the moment she draws enough inspiration from her daily life. The motivation is often historical ornaments and shapes, which are reflected in today's fashion.
The vision of Dajana, the founder and designer, materialized in 2014 during her studies at high school. She began to turn her hobby in art history and Slovak traditions into designing her first handbags.
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